Sunday, October 19, 2014

Scents Of Fall

During the months of October and November our scent palette usually covers fragrances like pumpkin and cider.  We conjure up those specific aromas in our minds because both pumpkins and apples are harvested this time of the year.

Obviously, we can't be baking a pumpkin pie every day so that our home has that wonderful scent permeating throughout the house nor are we going to have apple cider brewing on the stove each day for that particular scent. So, how can we have those scents in the house to create that warm and inviting scent of fall? Well, one way is to use a warmer, preferably a Scentsy one, with some scented wax that gives us the scent we are looking for.

Oddly, fall and the scents of the season are considered a little on the sexy side. Did you know that? I didn't either but apparently the smell of pumpkin causes pheromones to be released causing men to feel a little on the frisky side. Want a little more romance? Then have your fella greeted with the smell of pumpkin when he walks in the door.

The apple and its fragrance is sometimes associated with fertility. (There we go again with a little on the sexy side!). We can conjure up the fragrance of an apple pie, apple cider or apple butter without trying very hard.

Here is a recipe that I like to use in my home during October and November to obtain the scents of fall.

The reason that I suggest 1/2 of a cube of each of these scents in the recipe is for optimum fragrance. You see the aroma comes from the warmest part of the warmer where the oil will settle. Using too much wax will actually tone down the very scent you are going for. Besides, it saves you money, too by using less wax at a time.

Pumpkin Marshmallow is one of my favorite fall scents and I often just warm it all by itself because to me it smells like pumpkin pie baking in the oven. It works well with other scents as well for a recipe all of your own. We typically only have it available during our Fall/Winter catalog offerings so I try to stock up so that I don't run out.

Sugar Cookie is available all year long and also combines well with other scents to give the aroma of something baking.

I would love to know your favorite scents of fall. You can tell me by leaving a comment below.

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